Ben’s Open Table
A special meal in our private dining room with new people
Ben’s Open Table
I am going to be running a series of open tables in the Cantina monthly. For me, I have a love of sitting around the dining table with my family and friends, new and old. It’s a part of being on life’s journey and sharing that quality time together.
Over the years, I have always being heavily into reading different cookbooks, they’ve opened my eyes to the joys of traditional styles of cooking and the old techniques around Europe, which we are now seeing less of in our kitchens and homes.
I also draw my enthusiasm from the travels I have done in my life, experiencing the beauty and joy of older cultures in France, Italy and Spain. Although all individual, their common factor is the importance if coming together, to the table to share a meal, discuss politics, or most importantly life.
Here at The Seahorse we focus on the magic of the dining room, I wanted to focus this into the cantina where we can celebrate the places that heavily inspire me, together.
I’m excited to welcome you to the table.

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